On Monday the girls will be released from class at 2 and the bus will leave at 2:10. The Girls need to bring money and/or food and drinks (no carbonated drinks) with them to the meet. It will be a long afternoon/night!
The Field events and 2400 will start at 3:30
Order of Events
Field Events:
Shot- 7B, 8B, 7G, 8G
Discus- 7G, 8G, 7B, 8B
Long Jump- 7B, 8B, 7G, 8G
Triple Jump- 8B, 8G, 7B, 7G
High Jump- 8B, 7B, 8G, 7G
Pole Vault- 8G, 7G, 8B, 7B
Running will start 15 minutes after Field Events
400m RELAY
800 m
100 m hurdles
110 m hurdles
100 m RUN
800 m RELAY
400 m RUN
200 m RUN
1200 or 1600 m RUN
1600 m RELAY
The girls can ride home with parents. Be sure to sign out with my manager, Rylie Evans. After you sign out I told the girls I want them to come tell me they are leaving.
All girls are to stay in pairs and I should never find anyone by their self. We will have a “camp” set up and they are to be at their event or at the camp. They must be wearing their White Oak uniform/sweats. I expect White Oak Ladynecks to act like Champions on and off the track! Any misbehavior will result in being dismissed from the team.
I know there has not been a lot of practice on field events: long jump, triple jump, high jump, pole vault, and relay hand offs. I have placed girls in these events as best I can and due to those who have had past experience at them. All I am asking of them is to try and do their best!
Other information I have about the track meet:
Opening Heights:
Pole Vault
7G – 5’
8G – 5’
High Jump
7G – 4’
8G – 4’ 2”
I am very excited about our first track meet, but also nervous. I know the girls are also. We will all do great! Thank you for your support!