Practice will end at 4;30 on Thursday. The girls need to bring all their books and bags to the track and parents need to start picking up all the girls at the track.
Friday we will not have practice.
Have a great weekend!
Practice will end at 4;30 on Thursday. The girls need to bring all their books and bags to the track and parents need to start picking up all the girls at the track.
Friday we will not have practice.
Have a great weekend!
Long Jump — Hannah 2nd place with 14’2″ Sara 4th place with 13’1″
Triple Jump — Jessica 6th place with 25′.25″
Shot — Kayla 4th place with 21′ 9.5″ Vianca 5th place with 21′.5″
High Jump — Avery 1st place with 4’6″ Sara 5th place with 4’2″
Pole Vault — Avery 2nd with 6’6″ Hanna 3rd with 6′
Discus — Kayla 1st place with 64’7″ (2nd place was 57’…..way to go Kayla!!) Colleen 5th place with 56’3″
2400 M — Bella 2nd place with 10:56 Chloe 3rd place with 11:37 Shyannee 4th place with 12:57
4×100 — White Oak first with 56.83
800M — Kara 3rd with 3:00 America 4th with 3:04.1 Maci 5th with 3:15.8
100 Hurdles — Aylin 4th place with 21.99 Destiny 6th place with 25.38
100 M — Spencer 4th place 14.75 Sara 6th place with 15.37
4×200 — White Oak first with 2:01.8
400 M — Kara 4th with 75.72 Kasey 5th with 77.7 Alexis 6th with 78.47
200 M — Avery 2nd with 29.59 Spencer 6th with 31.23
1200 M –Bella with 4:50 Chloe 4th with 5:16
4×400 — White Oak 3rd place with 5:07.3
** Good job, I can’t wait to see what we do when it is not so cold or windy!**
No practice today!!!
Early Release Wednesday! School will let out at 12:30. We will NOT dress out due to early release! All girls must meet in the dressing room for Athletics. No practice on Wednesday. We will practice on Thursday till 4:30. Our next meet is at Union Grove March 7. We actually tied with them for first place and we won the flip to take first!! So my goal is to prove on UG’s own track WE are the BEST! We will practice hard the week and next! I will post teams on Tuesday night…….if not before.
Way to go LADYNECKS!! I am so very proud of all the girls and the parents who fought against the wind and cold! They did very well in a tough situation! I know their legs, hands, arms, feet and any other body part was frozen while running…….and after!
We will have practice on Tuesday!! We will NOT have practice on Wednesday due to the early release at 12:30. We will have practice on Thursday and Friday is undecided.
WAY TO GO LADYNECKS!!! We defended the Derrick strong!
On Monday the girls will be released from class at 2 and the bus will leave at 2:10. The Girls need to bring money and/or food and drinks (no carbonated drinks) with them to the meet. It will be a long afternoon/night!
The Field events and 2400 will start at 3:30
Order of Events
Field Events:
Shot- 7B, 8B, 7G, 8G
Discus- 7G, 8G, 7B, 8B
Long Jump- 7B, 8B, 7G, 8G
Triple Jump- 8B, 8G, 7B, 7G
High Jump- 8B, 7B, 8G, 7G
Pole Vault- 8G, 7G, 8B, 7B
Running will start 15 minutes after Field Events
400m RELAY
800 m
100 m hurdles
110 m hurdles
100 m RUN
800 m RELAY
400 m RUN
200 m RUN
1200 or 1600 m RUN
1600 m RELAY
The girls can ride home with parents. Be sure to sign out with my manager, Rylie Evans. After you sign out I told the girls I want them to come tell me they are leaving.
All girls are to stay in pairs and I should never find anyone by their self. We will have a “camp” set up and they are to be at their event or at the camp. They must be wearing their White Oak uniform/sweats. I expect White Oak Ladynecks to act like Champions on and off the track! Any misbehavior will result in being dismissed from the team.
I know there has not been a lot of practice on field events: long jump, triple jump, high jump, pole vault, and relay hand offs. I have placed girls in these events as best I can and due to those who have had past experience at them. All I am asking of them is to try and do their best!
Other information I have about the track meet:
Opening Heights:
Pole Vault
7G – 5’
8G – 5’
High Jump
7G – 4’
8G – 4’ 2”
I am very excited about our first track meet, but also nervous. I know the girls are also. We will all do great! Thank you for your support!
Due to the basketball playoffs in Lufkin we will not practice on Friday.
Ok, Here is what I have. Please keep in mind that each track meet can change. I will continue to keep running times. Placement on the team will be determined by times ran in practice, throwing distance and jumping heights/distance. I will give each girl a copy of the events they are to run. On Friday we will hand out uniforms and talk about proper behavior at track meets. On Monday we will leave school at 2:10. The field events start at 3:30 as well as the 3200 m run.
4 X 100 Relay – Destinee, Spencer, Hannah, Avery (ALT- Jaci, Sara)
4 X 200 Relay – Destinee, Jaci, Hannah, Avery (ALT – Spencer, Sara)
4 X 1600 Relay – Hayley, Jaci, America, Alexis (ALT- Kara, Avery)
100 meter Dash – Spencer, Sara, Ryan
400 meter Dash – Alexis, Kara, Kasey
200 meter Dash – Spencer, Avery, Jaci
3200 (2400) meter Run – Bella, Shaynee, Chole
800 meter Run – Kara, America, Maci
1600 (1200) meter Run – Bella, Shaynee, Chole
100 Hurdles – Aylin, Destinee, Bailee
300 Hurdles – Ryan, Hannah
Shot – Viance, Kayla, Jensen
Discus – Kayla, Maci, Colleen
Long Jump – Hannah, Sara (and one more to be determined)
Triple Jump – to be determined
Pole Vault – Avery, Hannah, Spencer
High Jump – to be determinded
I have a few running events chosen that I am ready to announce. The others and field events will be ASAP.
*2400 meter run (1.5 miles) – Bella Sacco, Shaynee Troxell, Chole Marsh
400 meter run – Kara Carter, Alexis Herrera, Kasey Carr
800 meter run – Kara Carter, America Camacho, Maci Teague
*1200 meter run (3/4 a mile) – Bella Sacco, Shaynee, Troxell, Chole Marsh
100 hurdles – Aylin Susvilla, Destinee, Aaron, Bailee Corbit
300 hurdles – Hannah King, Ryan Owens
*Some track meets will have a 3200 or a 2400 and a 1200 or a 1600 race. I am not sure which they will have but I am confident that those girls can do it!
**Weather permitting we will have some run offs for sprinting, if not I will use the times I have and make the decisions to place the sprinters.