Welcome to 8th Grade Athletics
There are many changes upon entering 8th grade athletics. Please read the following information:
Please bring black shorts or black spandex for volleyball. Your volleyball work out shirt will be provided. If you are not in volleyball, you will be issued the off season work out clothes. Please bring running shoes to keep in your athletic locker. We have a new gym floor and are not allowed to wear street shoes on it.
Please have a lock on your dressing room locker at all times. White Oak MS is not responsible for anything left out and stolen. Keep the dressing room picked up at all times. If the dressing room is left a mess, the entire athletic class will run. There are names on lockers, please do not more your name to a different locker without asking permission. There is not enough lockers for everyone to have a locker to their self. I put as many as I could with only a few of you sharing lockers. I will need everyone’s lock combination just in case of emergencies.
When dressing out for athletics there are a few rules. Please make sure your hair is pulled back in a tight pony tail, hair out of your eyes and all jewelry off. Every athlete will be required to dress out and participate unless there is a doctor’s note. Your grade in athletics will be determined on following the rules mentioned above. Every six weeks each athlete will start with a grade of 100. Two points will be deducted each day the athlete does not follow the rules listed above.
Cell phones will need to be locked up in the locker room during the athletic period. Phones are not to be checked during athletic class or during practice. Game days, phones also need to stay locked in the lockers while we play at home. Away games, phones will be taken up and given back after their game. Each girl will need to bring a ziplock baggie with their name on it. Coaches will take phones up as we enter the bus and then returned on the ride home.
Monday everyone will need to bring running shoes. We will be conditioning on Monday. Practice will be till 5:15pm. Please pick your daughter up on time after practice. Parents may pick the daughter up at the side door of the gym. Monday we have open house/meet the teacher at our middle school campus at 5:30pm – 6:30pm. I hope you take this opportunity to meet with your daughter’s teachers.
Please bring all the paper work to athletics on Monday. Those who did not received their paperwork will be able to pick it up on Monday and return it on Tuesday. Practice on Tuesday will end at 5:30. Girls will be allowed to practice but not allowed to play in games until all paper work is turned in.
I am looking forward to having a great year! If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected] or 903-291-2070.