Friday Track Practice

I just spoke with Coach Thorn and we will be able to work on Track stuff during Athletics today.  So practice will end early!  We will be finished no later than 4pm!  If your child wants to stay and practice longer that is her decision.

***All Band members will be released at 3:30 for band competition today***




Wednesday Afternoon

Wednesday we get out of school at Noon.  I would like for all girls who are involved in Relays, Hurdles, and all field events to come back about 3:30.  Practicing Wednesday afternoon will give them an opportunity to practice these events with fresh legs and more individual attention.



Results of Winona Track Meet

Winona Track Results

1st Place with 217 pts.

Long Jump                           Triple Jump

2nd – Brooklyn 14’2”               2nd – Sabrina 30’4”

6th – Taylor 13’3.5”                4th – Brooklyn 28’4”

Shot                                           Discus

1st – Emma R 28’11.5”               1st – Morgan Taylor 85’11.5”

3rd – Morgan T 27’11”               2nd – Courtney 74’7”

High Jump                            Pole Vault

3rd – Sabrina 4’2”                  1st – Kate 8′

4th – Cayman 4′                      2nd – Alyia 6’6”

4th – Kyla 6′

2400 M Run – Shaynee – 10: 34 , Madi M. – 11:46

400 Relay – 2nd – Sabrina, Brooklyn, Lacey, Taylor – 55:98

800 M Run – 2nd Shaynee 2:50 , 4th Jaylen 2:59

100 H – 6th Katie 21.8

100 M Run – 4th Lacey 14.27 , 6th Madi S. 14.74

800 M Relay – 1st – Sabrina, Brooklyn, Victoria, Taylor 1:59.4

400 M Run – 1st Sabrina 1:11.8 , 4th Luisa 1:13.9, 6th Emma L. 1:16.4

300 M Hurdle – 3rd – Katie 58.63, 4th Shaynee 59.36 , 6th Jaylen 1:05.4

200 M Run – 2nd – Victoria 29.03 , 5th – Miranda 31.81, 6th Luisa – 31.86

1600 M Run 4th – Sydney 5:11 , 6th – Alyia 5:27

Mile Relay – 2nd Taylor, Victoria, Shaynee, Brooklyn 4:48.5


The school is installing new doors.  After spring break the process to come into our school office will change.  If the changes happen like we have been informed, every person will enter only after the secretary ‘buzzes’ you in.  I want to encourage each of you to bring items that are needed for athletics to the gym.  The girls usually are heading to the gym at 2:30pm each day.  If you need to bring something for athletics, please meet them at the gym during this time.

The office has so much in and out traffic everyday, I would like to help them by doing this.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Track Meet in Winona

Field Events will start at 3:30.  Shot and Discus will be at the South end of the Football Stadium.  The 2400 m run will start at 3:45pm. 


Parents are allowed to check their daughters out.  The athlete must be finished with all her events before she can leave.  She needs to verbally check out with me and parents need to sign out with Makenna before anyone leaves.  If this process in not done, they will be required to run extra tomorrow.

The address to Winona is 611 Wildcat Dr. 75792.

I look forward to seeing our girls WIN tonight!



Updated Track Teams

*Subject to Change, however, after tonight it will not change unless someone is sick or can not make the meet on Monday*

2400 M Run ~ Sydney, Madi,  Shaynee

4 X 100 Relay ~ Sabrina, Brooklyn, Lacey, Taylor (ALT: Madi S, Miranda)

800 M Run ~ Alyia, Jaylen, Madi M,

100 Hurdles ~ Katie W, Shea, Jessica

100 M Run ~ Lacey, Miranda, Madi S.

4 X 200 Relay ~ Sabrina, Brooklyn, Victoria, Taylor (ALT: Miranda, Luisa)

400 M Run ~ Luisa, Emma L, Sabrina

300 Hurdles ~ Shaynee, Katie W, Jaylen

200 M Run ~ Victoria, Miranda, Luisa

1600 M Run ~ Alyia, Madi M, Sydney

4 X 400 Relay ~ Taylor, Victoria, Shaynee, Brooklyn (ALT: Sabrina, Luisa)

Shot Put ~ Emma, Morgan T, Lexi

High Jump ~ Sabrina, Cayman, Taylor

Pole Vault ~ Kate, Alyia, Kyla

Discus ~ Morgan Taylor, Courtney, Mackenzie

Long Jump ~ Taylor, Brooklyn, Miranda

Triple Jump ~ Sabrina, Brooklyn, Miranda

Managers:  Jenna Hardin and Makenna Gibbs

**T-shirt money is Due today, $9 each.

The bus will leave the school at 2:15 on Monday.  If parents want to bring their daughter food, please be here no later than 2:00.


Winona Track Team

As of now this is the Team that will travel to Winona.  **Subject to Change**

2400 M Run ~ Sydney, Madi,  TBA

4 X 100 Relay ~ Sabrina, Brooklyn, Lacey, Taylor (ALT: Madi S, Miranda)

800 M Run ~ Shaynee, Jaylen, Madi M,

100 Hurdles ~ Katie W, Shea, Jessica

100 M Run ~ Lacey, Miranda, Madi S.

4 X 200 Relay ~ Sabrina, Brooklyn, Victoria, Taylor (ALT: Miranda, Luisa)

400 M Run ~ Luisa, Emma L, Sabrina

300 Hurdles ~ Shaynee, Katie W, Shea

200 M Run ~ Victoria, Miranda, Luisa

1600 M Run ~ Alyia, Mollie, Sydney

4 X 400 Relay ~ Taylor, Victoria, Shaynee, Brooklyn (ALT: Sabrina, Luisa)

Shot Put ~ Emma, Morgan T, Lexi

High Jump ~ Sabrina, Cayman, Taylor

Pole Vault ~ Kate, Alyia, Kyla

Discus, Long Jump, and Triple Jump ~ TBA

Managers:  Jenna Hardin and Makenna Gibbs

***THURSDAY during practice I will hand out uniforms and spikes.  If your daughter has spikes, please have her bring them to practice in starting tomorrow!  If your daughter does not have spikes, I will issue her some from the school. 

**Please remember $9.00 for T-Shirts due by Friday.

*Those who are in Relay’s will work on hand-offs and the sprinters will need to practice coming out of the starting blocks.

REMEMBER, travel teams can change week by week so encourage your daughter to continue working hard to improve their times, jumps, and throws.






Just wanted to remind everyone that T-Shirt money ($9) is needed by Friday.  We hope to have the t-shirts by Monday afternoon.  However, if we do not have all the money, we will not be able to.

Our track practice will always depend on what Coach Thorn has our girls doing during Athletics.  I know there may be some frustration with not knowing when your child will be finished with practice.  Some will finish early and others will finish at 5pm.  I try to get the track workout finished as quickly as possible and then the girls start field events (hurdles included).  If your child does not participate in a field event (or hurdles) they will always finish around 4:30.  If your daughter ONLY throws the shot or discus, she will also finish at 4:30.  Everyone leaves at 5pm.

If you have any questions for me, please email me at:

Thanks for your understanding.

Track Meet in Winona

We have 4 days to work out before our first track meet.  We will practice on Friday till 4:30pm.  I will post this meet’s team by Wednesday night.  I need to get a few more times from our girls.  I will take the top 3 in field events, we will measure on Wednesday afternoon to see who will make it.  All runners will need to make up their running due to absents.  If your have missed practice, the make up work will be done at the end of each practice Tuesday – Friday.  You are not allowed to run in the meet if you have not finished your make up work.   The teams can change for each meet.  Everyone needs to continue to strive to improve to make the next meet.

ORDER OF EVENTS for Winona:  (7G= 7th grade girls….8G= 8th grade girls….7B= 7th grade Boys….8B= 8th grade Boys)

3:30pm~ Distance and field events start.

2400m Run:  7G, 8G, 7B, 8B       Shot #1 : 7G, 8G       Discus #1 : 8G, 7G       Long J: 7B, 8B, 7G, 8G

Triple J: 8G, 7B, 8B, 7G       High J:  7G, 8G, 7B, 8B       Pole Vault:  7B & 8B……..7G & 8G

Girls Shot and Discus will be at the SOUTH end of the fooltball stadium.

Opening height for Pole Vault is 5’6″ and High Jump is 4’2″.

Running will start 15 minutes after the field events.

Please remember to have your daughter pay for the track shirt ASAP.  Thanks!

