The girls are working very hard and I am excited by their progress! We will finish today at 5:00pm and we will take Friday practice off! Enjoy your 3 day weekend.
*Everyone will have practice on Tuesday, Sept. 3, till 5:00. I will announce scrimmage A team and scrimmage B team Tuesday night.
** Wednesday, September 4th, A team only will practice.
***Thursday home Scrimmage at 5:00pm. Everyone will play! Girls may leave after school to get a snack, however, they should be back in the gym by 4:15pm ready for the scrimmage. I will post Thursday night who will be on A and B team for the 1st game on Sept. 9th.
****Friday, only the girls who will play on Monday will practice till 5:00pm.
Saturday we will have our VARSITY tournament at WO. I encourage all the girls to come and watch!!
September 9th is our first game in New Diana. We will leave school at 3:15pm.
Have a GREAT weekend!