First District Game Monday

Congratulations to both teams for a LONG DAY of volleyball!!  A TEAM  won  Consolation and B TEAM  won 2nd place!  I am very proud of  all the girls.

Remember we have a HOME game on Monday vs. New Diana.  The girls need to wear our GAME DAY t-shirts.  The girls may leave at 3:30 and be back at the gym by 4:15.  Our game will start at 5pm with B team playing first followed by our A team.  I am looking forward to another night of volleyball.  This is our first district game.




Tournament Information

Those who are on the A and B team this week will need to be at the gym Saturday morning at 7:25am.  The bus will leave at 7:30am sharp.  Our B TEAM will play Whitehouse at 9:00am and our A TEAM will play Hallsville at 11:00am.  8th Grade will play in the New Pine Tree High School gym.  Our 7th graders will play in the Old Pine Tree High School Gym and they play at 8am and 10am.  All girls need to be dressed in uniform with our game day shirts on.  Please have the girls wear sliders or something comfortable to wear between games,  they should not be wearing their volleyball shoes all day.  We have sandwiches being provided by our Team Moms, however, each girl needs to bring plenty to drink.  Please bring water, poweraid, Gatorade, etc.  No cokes.   Make sure they bring blankets, pillows, etc.  The championship game will be at 6pm.  I expect to be playing at 6pm.  All girls must remain in the gym unless given permission to leave.  All girls will need to stay with a buddy all times.  I should never see a girl alone anywhere, even the restrooms.  I expect our girls be represent WO proudly in their behavior on and off the court.  We will also leave our area clean when we leave.  No trash will be left behind for someone else to clean up.

I am excited about this weekend and ready to win it all!!!

WO vs. ND Pictures

I wasn’t able to get many due to the intensity of the game!

Awesome Game!

I think the A and the B teams play well tonight!  They showed a lot of character many times tonight coming back to win each game!  I am so proud of them for fighting hard and winning their games!

The teams for this next week are as follows:

A Team – Victoria B., Cayman, Makenna, Madison M, Lacey, Brooklyn, Taylor, Madison S, Morgan-Taylor, Kyla

B Team – Mackenzie B, Courtney , Alyia, Jaylen, Mollie, Shelby, Kate, Jessica, Addie, Shea, Makenzie W, Emma R.

We have a tournament this weekend at Pine Tree.  The above teams will play in the tournament and on Monday’s home game.  Both teams will practice Tuesday till 5pm. Only the A team will practice on Wednesday till 5pm.

I will post more information later about the tournament.  I believe our B team will play at 9am and our A team will play at 11am.

Thank you to our Team Moms for providing our Snack Bags for the game and decorating the lockers!  Any one interested in helping please contact Jan Babineaux.

Please wash and return uniforms Tuesday.

Way to go LADYNECKS!!


First Game Monday!

I am so excited that we will have our first game tomorrow!  Everyone is to wear their Game day Volleyball shirt to school.

Those who made the travel team will dress out tomorrow in their game uniform during Athletics.  Those who stayed for practice Friday have their game jersey.  Those who chose not to stay or get their jersey Friday, will get it during Athletics.  Please wear your black socks and spandex/shorts.

Girls are to stay in the Bleachers to watch and support each other during games.  Girls should never be found outside the gym with out permission.

We will be leaving at 3:15pm for New Diana.  If you want to bring your child something to eat for the ride please have it there by 3:10pm.  New Diana usually has a concession stand, however, always be prepared if they do not.  The bus will leave at 3:15pm.  Girls are allowed to ride home after the 7th Grade A team game.  You MUST sign your daughter out before she leaves.

8th Grade B team will start at 5:00 followed by the 8th Grade A team.  The 7th Grade A team will play and the 7th Grade B team will follow up.  We can never know when games will start.  If your daughter plays on the A team, I would be there by 5:30pm.

If you have questions please email me.




Travel Teams for Sept. 9

We had a great night of volleyball!  I am very proud of our girls.  It is very hard to make decisions on who will travel with us on Monday.  Please remember teams can and will change every week.  If your daughter did not make the team this week, hopefully she will the next.  I just want everyone to keep working hard to improve!  I only take 10 girls on each team when we play away games.  There will be 12 girls on each team when we play home.

Only the teams listed will have practice on Friday till 5pm.

A TEAM ~ Victoria B, Madison M, Madison S, Cayman, Makenna, Brooklyn, Kyla, Morgan Taylor, Lacey, and Taylor

B TEAM ~ Addie, Emma L, Mackenzie W, Alyia, Mollie, Kate, Caitlin, Aubrey, Shelby and Courtney

*Our Varsity is hosting a tournament this weekend.  The bracket play begins at 9am on Saturday.  It will be some really AWESOME volleyball!  I hope you can come and support our VARSITY players!



Scrimmage Teams

Scrimmage A Team will be Victoria B., Cayman, Caitlin, Makenna, Madison M, Lacey, Mollie, Brooklyn, Kate P., Taylor, Madison S., Morgan Taylor, Kyla, Aubrey.

Scrimmage B Team will be Mackenzie B, Courtney C, Alyia, Jenna, Kaytlynn, Jaylen, Emma L, Shelby, Jessica, Addie, Emma R, Victoria Trejo de Munoz, Kristen, Shea, Mackenzie W.

Only the Scrimmage A Team will practice tomorrow.  We will practice till 5:00pm.  There are a few girls who need to stay and make up work they missed.  I have spoken with them today about staying after school.  They should be finished by 4pm.

There are a couple of girls who still need to turn in some paper work.  If the paper work is not complete they will not be able to play in the scrimmage.

Thursday is our scrimmage.  The girls may leave and get a snack  at 3:30 and return by 4:15pm ready for the scrimmage.  The A team will start at 5pm and it will be best 2 out of 3 games.  The B team will play right after the A team and it will be a 35 min running clock for them.  The 7th graders will play after us.

Our shirts will be ready I hope some time tomorrow!  I will give those out ASAP.




Great 1st Week

The girls are working very hard and I am excited by their progress!  We will finish today at 5:00pm and we will take Friday practice off!  Enjoy your 3 day weekend.

*Everyone will have practice on Tuesday, Sept. 3, till 5:00.  I will announce  scrimmage A team and scrimmage B team Tuesday night.

** Wednesday, September 4th, A team only will practice.

***Thursday home Scrimmage at 5:00pm.  Everyone will play!  Girls may leave after school to get a snack, however, they should be back in the gym by 4:15pm ready for the scrimmage.  I will post Thursday night who will be on A and B team for the 1st game on Sept. 9th.  

****Friday, only the girls who will play on Monday will practice till 5:00pm. 

Saturday we will have our VARSITY tournament at WO.  I encourage all the girls to come and watch!!

September 9th is our first game in New Diana.  We will leave school at 3:15pm.

Have a GREAT weekend!





2nd day Success

We had another great practice today!

There are a few girls who need to turn in some signed forms and T-Shirt money for Volleyball.

Please remind your daughter to color the volleyball and return it to me.  This volleyball will go on their school locker.  I will not take any decorated volleyballs after Friday.

WEDNESDAY PRACTICE….. We will end practice at 5:00pm.  The girls are working hard and we have covered a lot of information, so I feel we can end practice at 5:00 for the rest of the week.  Way to practice hard ladies!



Great 1st Day

We had a great first day of conditioning.  Today we will be working on our basic volleyball skills with conditioning.  We will get out at 5:45pm.  I know that we have several that are cheer leaders and they will need to leave earlier.  Those girls can make up the work up on a different day.

For the girls who are not playing volleyball, you will begin off season basketball today.  Off season will not have after school practice.  They will meet with Coach Hutchins-Boyett today during Athletics.

Have a Great Day!

