I can’t believe we have 7 more days of school!  That means we need to get all our clothes turned in.  Please have your daughter’s athletic clothes and track clothes and sweats…. for those who still have them…. washed and ready to turn in on Friday.  They may bring other shorts and t-shirts to practice in for Friday and Tuesday.  Thanks for a great year!


Just wanted to remind everyone how important the Summer Power Program is, each girl needs to be in this program so they will be in shape for August.

If your daughter is playing volleyball next year they needs to sign up for the volleyball camp and summer league.

There is a volleyball camp in August that is highly recommended for the girls to attend.  This is the week before they have two a days.  This is a great way for them to get some soreness out of the way when they start two a days!

Each girl has been given the information about each event.  There is also extra copies available on the table in the gym.

Please encourage your daughter to participate in each one, this is for her own good!  August will be here soon and High School Volleyball is intense!



Reminder about Softball meeting

Please remind the girls about the softball meeting with Coach McFall on Thursday in the High School Locker room area.  This will be a quick meeting.  The girls need to get dressed and then go to the meeting.  They will return to volleyball/basketball when the meeting is over.



High School Softball meeting for athletes

Coach McFall will need to meet with all 8th grade girls planning on participating in Softball next year for the high school for the first 10 minutes of the Athletic Period on Thursday May 9th.  Then they will be released to go wherever they need to be after that meeting (volleyball or basketball).  Coach McFall  will  meet with them in the High School Locker Room about 2:40.

Please remind your daughters!



Physicals for Athletics

For the girls who are going to be in High School Athletics, I believe there are physicals at the New Middle School Gym this Saturday starting at 8am.  If your daughter is going to be involved in any sport (cross country, volleyball, basketball, power lifting, golf, tennis, track, etc.) she will need a new physical.



High School Regional Track Results

Whitney Simmons – Discus / 116’6″ / 2nd place / STATE QUALIFIER

Madison Pecot – Pole Vault / 12’00” / 1st place / STATE QUALIFIER

Caymen Sutton – 800M / 2:31 / Regional Finalist

Kadrienne Sanders – 400M / Regional Finalist (NEW SCHOOL RECORD – 60.00)

Dorothy Swanson – 100 Hurdles / Regional Finalist (NEW SCHOOL RECORD – 15.8)

Darion Barr – 110 Hurdles / Regional Finalist (PERSONAL BEST)

Josh Benson – 800M / Regional Finalist

4X400 Relay – Caymen Sutton, Kadrienne Sanders, Madison Pecot, Dorothy Swanson
/ Regional Finalist
Riley Lakin – Pole Vault / 14’09” / 2nd place / STATE QUALIFIER (PERSONAL BEST)

Jason Heim – Shot / 48’06” / 2nd place / STATE QUALIFIER

Josh Benson – 800M / 2:05 / 4th place / (PERSONAL BEST)

Kadrienne Sanders – 400M / 59.9 / 3rd place / (NEW SCHOOL RECORD)

Darion Barr – 110H / 14.9 / 4th place

Dorothy Swanson – 100H / 15.8 / 4th place / (NEW SCHOOL RECORD)

4X400 Relay – 4:07 / 2nd place / (STATE QUALIFIER) (NEW SCHOOL RECORD)


I will finish the Fitness Gram on Friday with all my Athletes.  If there is anyone who would like to retake any of the test we can do that also (example:  mile run, situps, push ups, etc.).




Just a few more pictures!! LOL

If you will click the picture you can see it entirely.  There are just random shots!

Running events pictures