District Results 2013

District Track Meet 2012 Ore City 3rd Place

Discus – Kayla Hunter 6th place with a throw of 67’0”

Long Jump – Hannah King 4th place with a jump of 14’5” (personal record)

Triple Jump – Makala Convington 6th place with a jump of 28’0”

High Jump – Avery Moore 3rd place with a jump of 4’4”

Pole Vault – Avery Moore 2nd place with a jump of 7’6”

2400 M Run – Chloe Marsh 3rd place with a time of 11:48

800 M Run – Makala Convington 3rd place with a time of 2:59

America Camacho 4th place with a time of 3:04

Kara Carter 5th place with a time of 3:07

100 M Hurdles – Destinee Aaron 4th place with a time of 19.97

200 M Dash – Avery Moore 1st Place with a time of 28.88

1600 M Run – Chole Marsh 3rd place with a time of 7:07

Haley Davidson 5th place with a time of 7:17

400 M Relay – White Oak 6th place with a time of 56.25 (team record)

(Destinee Aaron, Jaci Wallace, Hannah King, Avery Moore)

800 M Relay – White Oak 3rd place with a time of 2:00 (team record)

(Destinee Aaron, Jaci Wallace, Hannah King, Avery Moore)

1600 M Relay – White Oak 2nd Place with a time of 4:55 (team record)

(Jaci Wallace, America Camacho, Makala Covington, Hannah King)


We placed 3rd at our District Track Meet.  I am very proud of all the athletes who have worked so hard in the track season!  I hope you will stick with it next year!

Today we are hosting the District Track meet for the High School.  I will be working the meet.  I have told the girls to meet me at the track during Athletics.  They will need to sit in the stands and watch the meet until school is over.

On Thursday we will finish up our fitness test.  Please have your track uniform and sweats ready to turn in on Thursday.



District Track at Ore City

We will leave at 2:30 on Tuesday for our district meet in Ore City.  Field events and the 2400 will start at 4:00.  Attention distant runners….. we will run the MILE at district….not the 1200…….  Please be aware of this.  We should return about 9:30pm.  Parents are welcome to check out their child when their events are over.  There will be a sign out sheet.




Today we will start Volleyball in Athletic class with the high school girls.  All the girls who will be playing volleyball next year will report to Coach Musick in the Middle School Gym.  Those girls who will not play volleyball next year but will play basketball will report to Coach Hutchins-Boyett in the High School gym.  All the girls who will not be in Athletics next year will see me starting Wednesday.  However, today and Tuesday they will need to sit in the Middle School gym and watch the volleyball practice.

AFTER school the girls in the district track meet need to stay and work out.  I will not be there today after school but the high school coaches will be.  They need to work on field events and hurdles.  The runners need to run what they would in a track meet, just stride it out.  I do not want them to do much so their legs will be good for tomorrow’s district meet.  Remember field events will start at 4pm in Ore City on Tuesday.  The boys will be today and I will be helping with that.  The meet should move along quickly since it will be girls only.



District Team

The following girls will be traveling on Tuesday for the District Track meet in Ore City:

        District Track Team

Shot: Kayla, Viance, Colleen

Discus: Kayla, Ryan, Destinee

High Jump: Avery, Sara,

Long Jump: Hannah, Sara, Kara

Triple Jump: Jessica, Kala, Ayline

Pole Vault: Avery

2400 m run: Bella, Chloe, Shyannee

4 x 100 Relay: Destinee, Jaci, Hannah, Avery

800 m Run: Kara, America, Makala

100 M Dash: Ryan, Sara, Aylin

400 M Dash: America, Kara, Haley

200 M Dash: Avery, Makala, Sara

4 X 200 Relay: Destinee, Jaci, Hannah, Avery

100 hurdles: Destinee, Aylin

300 hurdles: Hannah, Ryan

1200 m run: Bella, Chloe, Shyanne

4 X 400 Relay: Jaci, America, Kala, Bella


There will be NO PRACTICE today!  The girls will be in the gym during Athletics so if you are picking them up please come to the gym.

Tomorrow, weather permitting, there will be a home track meet for the High School.  We will help with the meet, so we will not dress out for Athletics.  Dress warm….it should still be cold.  We encourage the girls to stay and help with the High School meet as long as they can.

Friday we will dress out during Athletics and depending on the weather have practice!

Monday we will not have practice and Tuesday will be District in Ore City.   Just another busy and crazy week!