Shot Put Girls!!!

Coach Burks miss read the district minutes…… will be using the 6 pound instead of the 4K.  Good News….since you have been practicing with the heavier one!  I think maybe that was his plan!  LOL  So you need to get the 6 pounds under his desk and start practicing with it!!

Practice Tuesday.  Same as today.  Runners and throwers will finish at 3:30 and the girls who run hurdles, pole vault, high jump, long jump, and triple jump will stay until 4pm.




Monday Track

We will have track practice for those girls involved in Hurdles, pole vault, long and triple jump, discus, shot, and high jump.   However we will finish around 4pm ~~~Unless they chose to stay longer.  We will have throw offs and jump offs on Tuesday for the district meet.

All others will be finished at 3:25.

I hope you had a great Easter !




There will be NO practice today.  We will run during Athletics but everyone will be done by 3:30.  The girls are getting shin splints again and they are still sore from the meet.  Please have the girls ice their shins at home, stretch and rest their legs over the weekend. Have a Great EASTER!



Practice on Wednesday and Thursday

Just a reminder we will practice Today and Tomorrow till 4:30.  Runners only will finish at 3:30.  The girls who have hurdles or field events will work on those after school.  We will not have practice on Friday.  Friday early release will be at 12:00.  If they do have athletics on Friday we will not work out.  They are to meet in my classroom.

Next week we have STARR testing on Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will still have practice on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  There is a high school track meet on Thursday your child can stay and watch if they want.  It should be exciting!  We will have practice again on Friday.  We have our district meet on Tuesday, April 9th in Ore City.  District will include Union Grove, Elysian Fields, Ore City, Waskom, Jefferson, Tatum, and New Diana.  This will be 7th and 8th grade girls only.  Praying we will have some nice warm weather!

Have a Great Week!



First Place!

Way to go ladies!!!  First Place!  Here are the results!!  Remember ….we will run in athletics but NO PRACTICE tomorrow (Tuesday).

               Jr. Neck Relays

                   1st Place

 Discus – 5th -Ryan 62’8”………….6th Kayla 62’5”

 Long Jump – 2nd Hannah 14’…………..8th Sara 12’6”

 Triple Jump – 4th Kala 29’1” (Personal Record)

 Pole Vault – 1st Avery 8′ (Personal Record)

 High Jump – 1st Avery 4’6” ……… 4th Sara 4′

 2400m Run – 1st Bella 13:02.61  …….2nd Chloe 14:02.81

                           3rd Shaynee 15:08.59

 100m dash – 3rd Jaci 14.84

 800 m run – 2nd Kala 3:02.20 ………. 3rd Kara 3:03.06

                     4th America 3:03.32  ………5th Hayley 3.04.93

 100m hurdles – 2nd Destinee 19.66 (personal record)  ……  3rd Aylin 21.03 (personal record)

 300 m hurdles – 1st Hannah 56.82  ………..2nd Ryan 60.38

 400 m run – 4th America 75.31  ……….  5th Kara 77.43

 200m run – 1st Avery 28.80  …….  2nd Jaci 31.73

 1200 m Run – 1st Bella 4:56.62  ………  2nd Chloe 5:12.40

 400 Relay 3rd with 57.05

 800 Relay 2nd with 2:04.05

 1600 Relay 1st with 5:12.02


White Oak Track Meet Monday

We will be hosting the track meet Monday and the field events will start at 3:30 along with the 2400m run.  All the girls will be in this track meet.  Athletes will be dismissed at 2:30 to get dressed and prepare for the meet.  Those who need uniforms please see me as soon as possible in the dressing room and I will get it for you.  The events are as follows:

Shot Put – Kayla, Viance, Jensen,

Discus – Kayla, Ryan, Destinee, Anna, Colleen, Maci

Long Jump – Hannah, Sara, Kara,

Triple Jump – Jessica, Kala, Aylin,

High Jump – Avery and Sara

Pole Vault – Avery

2400 m – Bella, Chloe, Shyanne

4 x 100 m RELAY – Destinee, Sara, Hannah, Avery

800 m run – Kala, Kara, America and Haley

100 M Hurdles – Aylin, Destinee

100 m run – Sara, Ryan, Jaci —  Skylar, Kasey, Kaylee

4 x 200 m RELAY – Destinee, Kala, Hannah, Avery

400 m run – Kara, Aylin, America — Haley, Maci, Kaylynn

300 hurdles – Hannah, Ryan

200 m run – Jessica, Avery, Jaci — Skylar, Kasey, Kaylee

1200 m run – Bella, Chloe, Shyanne

4 x 400 RELAY – Jaci, America, Kala, and BELLA!!

I believe that is every one that is healthy to run.  If I left your name off by accident please let me know!  It will be cold so be ready to bundle up.  Once the running starts only athletes will be allowed on the field.  Your child can go home after their event, however, they must still let me know they are leaving.  Same track meet rules apply to our home meet.  I would encourage those who usually leave to stay and watch the rest of the girls.  We are improving every day and I am looking forward to setting some new Personal Records!




Practice on Thursday and Friday…..

We will have practice Thursday – Friday. 

*Runners should be finished by 3:30….Jaci, America, Bella, Chole, Kasey, Haley, Skylar, Kalee, Kaylynn, Shyanne

*Discus and Shot Put throwers will finish at 4pm……Jensen, Kayla, Anna, Colleen, Viance, Ryan, Destinee, Maci

Everyone else needs to stay and practice till 4:30:

*Hurdles — Hannah, Ryan, Aylin, Destinee

*Pole Vault — Avery

*Long Jump — Hannah, Sara, Kara, Kala C.

*Triple Jump — Jessica, Kala, Aylin

*High Jump — Avery, Sara

*If your daughter would like to stay longer and work on her field events, Coach Burks will be here Friday to help them.

**On Thursday everyone will be finished at 4:30**

The track meet on Monday will be at WO.



Practice for the week

We will have practice Wednesday – Friday. 

*Runners should be finished at 4:00.

*Discus and Shot Put throwers will finish at 4pm.

*Hurdles plus other Field Events should finish at 4:30.

*If your daughter would like to stay longer and work on her field events, Coach Burks will be here on Wednesday and Friday to help them.

**On Thursday everyone will need to be finished at 4:30**




Pictures from Harmony