Results from the Harmony Track Meet

There are only 4 individual events that we did not improve on!  That is great!  Everything else was improved time and set many personal records!  That is amazing since we were off 12 days!  The competition was much tougher, I am very happy with the improvements!  The bar has been raised!  We have new goals to reach by next week at our White Oak Meet!  I am excited!  There may be some more personal records I am not aware of, I will make sure the girls let me know during Athletics if I have missed any!  Remember we have a short practice today!  Way to go LADYNECKS!!

Shot Put – Kayla Hunter 4th place with 26’6”  (Personal Record)

 Discus – Kayla Hunter 3rd place with 67’5.5   and   Ryan Owens 4th place with 66’3.5”   and

                   Destinee Aaron 5th Place with 65’11”

Triple Jump – Makala Covington 4th place with 27’1”

 High Jump – Avery Moore 2nd Place with 4’6”

                           Sara Robinson 4th Place with 4’4”

Pole Vault – Avery Moore 1st Place with 7’6”  (Personal Record)

2400m run – Bella Sacco 5th place with 11:22.90

400 m Relay – Destinee Aaron, Sara Robinson, Hannah King and Avery Moore

                                 4th place with 56.58

800 m run – Makala Covington 3rd place with 2.57.08 (Personal Record)

                        America Camacho 4th place with 2.57.63  (Personal Record)

                        Cara Carter 6th place with 3.05.51

100 m Hurdles – Destinee Aaron 4th place with 20.19

 100 m run – Jaci Wallace 6th place with 14.81

 800 m Relay – Destinee Aaron, Sara Robinson, Hannah King, Avery Moore

                                              1st place with 2:01.2

 400 m run – America Camacho 3rd place with 1.14.12 and Kara Carter 5th place with 1.16.50

 300 m Hurdles – Hannah King 1st Place with 53.88 and Ryan Owens 3rd Place with 59.24

200 m run – Avery Moore 2nd place with 29.32  and  Makala Covington 3rd place with 30.86

                            Jaci Wallace 4th place with 30.90

 1200 m run – Bella Sacco 3rd place with 4.46 (Personal Record)

1600m Relay – Jaci Wallace, America Camacho, Aylin Susvilla, Kala Covington

                                                 3rd place with 5.05.2

Tuesday Practice

Most girls will be finished between 3:30 and 4:00.  The high jump, pole vault, long jump and triple jump will practice till 4:30.

We placed 3rd but our times have improved and we has several PR’s.  The competition was tougher but I am please with the times we had in the events!  Next week will be out home relays!



Monday Track Meet in Harmony

Sorry about the late notice, it has been a very busy spring break!

We will be leaving about 2:15pm for Harmony on Monday.  Please remember to send money for the concession stand or a bag of healthy snacks.  I have told the girls no carbonated drinks before their event.  I am not sure what time we will be returning, however, you may sign your child out at the meet.  The weather will be unpredictable so the girls may need an umbrella, blanket, and make sure everyone brings the track sweats!  Here is the list of girls who will be going on Monday:

Shot Put:  Kayla Hunter and Viance Villacotrta

Discus:  Kayla Hunter, Ryan Owens, Destinee Aaron

Long Jump:   Hannah King, Sara Robinson,Kara Carter

Triple Jump: Jessica Patak, Kala Covington, Aylin Susvilla

Pole Vault: Hannah King, Avery Moore

High Jump:  Avery Moore, Sara Robinson, Jessica Patak

2400 m run – Bella Sacco, Chole Marsh,

4×400 relay – Destinee, Sara Robinson, Hannah, Avery……. with Alt. being Jaci or Ryan

800 M run – Kala Convinton, Kara Carter, America Camacho

100M hurdles – Aylin and Destinee

100 M Run – Sara, Ryan, Jaci

4×200 relay – Destinee, Sara, Hannah, Avery …..with Alt. being Jaci or Kala C.

400 m run – Kara, Aylin, America

300 M Hurdles – Hannah King, Ryan Owens

200 m run – Kala C, Avery, Jaci

1200 m run – Bella Sacco, Chole Marsh

4×1600 Relay – Jaci, America, Aylin, Kala C. …… alt being Kara and Hannah

***If by chance your daughter will not be able to attend please let me know ASAP!  Thanks!





Thursday Practice

I will stay after school on Thursday for those who need to complete make up work.   Some girls did not stay after school today, you need to make that work up tomorrow.

Please remember during spring break the girls need to keep a journal of their work out and turn it in to me on the Monday we return.  Also the high school coaches will be at the track by NOON on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to help those who show up with any event they need help with.

Have a great spring break!




Spring Break Work Outs

I have handed each girl a work out for spring break.  I know it is a busy time for most people but I really need for the girls to work out.  We do have a track meet on the Monday, in Harmony, when we come back!  Practice is not mandatory, however, the high school coaches will be at the stadium at NOON on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  This would be a great time to work out and get help on field events!!  I will be in Honduras on a Mission Trip or I would also be there!  I think this is a GREAT opportunity for some girls to get that little more personal help with their field events!  I would like for each girl to keep their work out written down as they finish it.  If possible have a parent, friend or grandparent help time the runs.  It always helps when the girls know what their time is.

Have a safe and fun spring break!




Wednesday Practice Update

Due to our testing schedule we will not have athletics today, HOWEVER, we will have practice!  We may have practice till 5:00pm today since we are not getting time during school.  As the girls finish their workout they will be allowed to leave.  Field events need to stay and practice.  There are a few girls who will not be required to stay today for practice and I will let them know at lunch.  Thank you for being so flexible!  This week has been so crazy!



Wednesday Practice

We will have practice on Wednesday till 4:30.  This will be our last practice till our next track meet!  Please keep running over the break!  I hope everyone has a safe trip to Austin and other travels during the break!




Due to the State Basketball tournament we will not have a track meet this Thursday.  We will practice Monday-Wednesday of this week.  Please encourage your daughters to keep running over the break!  We do have a track meet the Monday we return from spring break!  Have a GREAT spring break!!!