Please let the girls know that we will work out during Athletics!
However, we will not have after school practice!
Enjoy your weekend!!
Please let the girls know that we will work out during Athletics!
However, we will not have after school practice!
Enjoy your weekend!!
Angie Carter posted this on Facebook and I thought it was too good not to share!
By Bo Hanson – 4x Olympian, Coaching Consultant & Director of Athlete Assessments
One of the most popular presentations we’re asked to deliver for clients is all about the parents’ role in their children’s sporting life, whether this be at the youth level or elite level. Since this is a burning topic for many of our clients, we thought you might also be interested to find out more about this important topic too. You may be a coach or sporting official dealing with parents and/or a parent yourself. Read on to learn the top five critical things parents are to be aware of so they can best support their children’s involvement in sport. This is relevant for little league or at the Olympic level.
As a parent, a key fact to remember is that you can either make or break your child’s sporting experience. Whilst there are many exceptional examples of parents doing the best by their children in their sport, there are numerous examples of parents being the reason why children drop out of sport.
One of the most critical aspects of being a parent is how we role model behaviour to our children. One thing is for sure, our children are always watching, observing and learning from you – the good, the bad and the ugly! I know from my own experience the joy of how I feel when I see my children copying something I do well and the bitter self-disappointment when I see them copying my not-so-good behaviour.
When it comes to sport and our children, we need to know how to be the type of role model who supports our children to enjoy sport and understand what the true meaning of success in sport is. Here are our top five tips for parents to be their best when it comes to their children’s sport.
According to recent research, sport can provide four vital opportunities for our children to develop.
The fact is, children who play sport from a young age are more likely to be healthy and well- adjusted adults who can make more meaningful contributions at work and in society in general.
Please note, the reason why we should want our children to participate in sport is not so they can “beat” their competition, win at all costs or improve your status as a sporting legend amongst the other parents.
We recommend being very clear in your own mind about ‘what is your outcome’? What is it that you want your child to take from their sporting experience? What do you want from your child’s sporting experience? Up until the age of around 14, most children just want to have fun in their sport. When they are around 14 years old, they start to understand more about what it means to compete. With a considered and deliberate outcome for your child’s involvement in sport, you can always check in with yourself about whether you are closer or further away from that meaning when you look at how you are behaving and interacting. This is also an extremely valuable discussion (which can be easy or it can be a strong debate) to have with those closest to you and who also have a close connection to your child.
Studies universally find that sport is an excellent vehicle for promoting the following life lessons:
A quick exercise you can do is to gauge (ie give a score out of 5) how your child is developing with their current sport in the above life lessons. If they are doing well in some of the areas (what you rate 4 or 5) and need support in other areas (anything 3 and below), look for opportunities to help them further develop. It might be how you talk to your child and what you focus on when chatting about their training or competition. So much of our experience and perception of things is what we focus on. Doing this in an encouraging way can benefit other areas of their life too (and potentially, help you with other parenting issues too!).
As an aside, you might be interested to read the article “Delivering Feedback to your Athletes”. While the article is written for coaches, it contains a useful strategy which is to always start with a positive comment, then provide something they can work on and finish with a positive comment (whilst using real life examples of behaviour rather than overall descriptive words such as ‘attitude’ or ‘motivated’). Keep in mind if you think it is your role to provide this feedback first of all…
This is an obvious one. All it means is to turn up and be part of your child’s sporting experience as an objective observer – that means, not as their coach (unless you formally have this role). Parents do their best for their children when they support what the coach is trying to achieve and do not contradict their coach’s messages. If you want to be a coach, then by all means do some study and learn how to be a coach.
Research shows that the most significant contributing factor to sporting success is the quality of the coach-athlete relationship (See our article on the Canadian Olympic Study for more information.)
Remember to consider how you answered your ‘outcome’ in 1 above. Even if the coach is not the most technically brilliant coach, if your outcome for your child is to have fun and get some physical exercise, and they are getting that, then there is no need for you to interfere on specifics of a training session with the coach.
Parents also help their children when they simply encourage and reward their child’s effort – not their results. What lesson are you teaching your child if you congratulate them for winning a race when they did not try their best. Once again, this comes down to the lessons you promote in the actions you take.
There is enormous, consistent and very persuasive research on rewarding effort rather than results with children. We highly recommend the book “The Talent Code” by Daniel Coyle. You might be interested to read our book review and summary (go to: The Talent Code” By Daniel Coyle – Book Review & Summary. There is an excellent section in Chapter 6 which you can skip down to in this book summary – it is eye opening research and they re-tested the experiment five times as they couldn’t believe the results initially).
I know… it seems a contradiction here with the previous point. What we mean is there are times when all you should do is drop your children at games or practice and pick them up afterwards. Nothing need be done in between. How can we help our children develop independence when we as parents never leave them alone…
The most critical tip I have for all parents is to stay calm and composed when watching your child participate in any sport. Fact is, there will be times when the referee makes a wrong decision…so what…that is life. Live with it and you can teach your child that life is not always fair and the judge sometimes sees things in a different way to how you may see them.
Know that every loud screaming parent or adult spectator is viewed by young children (under 14 years old) as being aggressive. Studies show that children can’t tell the difference in behaviour and simply group it as violent. As such they feel emotionally and even physically threatened. I can assure you, children do not perform well when they feel like this (no one does). So above all, remain in control of your emotions!
Remember you can either make or break your child’s sporting experience. Our children are always watching, observing and learning. They are more likely to do what you do, than do what you say!
Sport provides an important opportunity to teach vital life skills to our children. Parents have the opportunity to enhance the experience for their children and to promote these positive lessons. From what we hear from sports associations and clubs, the reality of many sports today, is parents promoting the wrong lessons to their children.
So to re-cap, here are our top 5 recommendations:
Due to the rain track will be cancelled today! WE will try again tomorrow! Please check Blog daily about 2pm.
Our first practice went well! Tomorrow (Wednesday) we will practice again until 5pm. If they want to stay and practice field events longer they can.
Track season is official today! I will talk with the girls during athletics and let them know how events will be chosen and how practices will be ran. Due to the weather today we will NOT have practice. However, some rainy days we will have practice. Once basketball is over we will have the gyms to work out in on rainy days. I will always post on my blog if and when changes are made.
I would like for everyone to stay after school and see what field event they would like to participate in. We will get most of our running in during class. Track is a team sport as much as it is individual sport. We want to win track meets, not just a few people walk away with a metal. I will place your daughter in events where I feel is best for the team and the individual. Some meets there will be opportunity for 2 teams. We will take as many athletes as possible on each meet.
Feb. 25 will be out first track meet. I will post events and competitors on Feb. 21.
I look forward to coaching your daughters again!
They are not as good as volleyball but here some pics from our last game.
Way to end the basketball season!!!!!
I took some pictures, not sure how they turned out but I hope to get them posted tomorrow!
Happy to have my girls back! TRACK season has officially begun! 🙂
Starting Monday we will have track practice after school till 5pm. The girls will be running during athletics and some afterwards. The field events, hurdles, starting blocks, etc. will mainly be after school. I want every athlete to try as many events as they can. First track meet will be Feb. 25. in Winona.
Good luck tonight!! Last Basketball game. 7th grade starts at 5pm.