Information Tourn/Monday

Just a reminder about the Tourn. Saturday…..A team only!  The bus will leave at 9:30am.  Our first game is at 11 am against Sabine!  Then 1:30 if we lose but 4:00 When we WIN.  There was a map to All Saints school given to the girls, I hope they brought them home for those who needed it.

****MONDAY GAME!!  7th B will start at 5 followed by 7A at 5:45.  There is NOT a B team for 8th grade!  8A should start about 6:45.



Practice times

Game Today …. A and B teams.

7th Grade will start at 5 followed by the 8th A and then the 7th and 8th grade B teams will scrimmage.


Tues. —  until 5:00
Wed. —- until 5:00
Thurs.—- until 5:00
Fri. ——- until 3:30

We leave for the All Saints Tournament on Sat. @ 9:30 a.m

Bracket will be posted soon!!

Tournament on Saturday is A Team Only

The girls will practice tomorrow for a little while after school.  Please pick them up at 4pm.

***All players need to bring one 2-Liter DIET drink for the Hospitality Room.

Remember All 8th grade games are played in the High School Gym!  Our first game is at 9am vs. Pine Tree.

**Players need to be here around 8:15.

When we win ….. we play at 3pm but if we lose we will play at 1pm.

Just FYI…. the 8th grade boys will also be playing in the High School in between our games.

Go LadyNecks!