Tuesday the girls do not have to dress out, however, bring uniforms washed and ready to turn in.
Wednesday the girls will meet with Coach Hutchins-Boyett during the athletic period.
Thursday the girls will work out in Old Middle School gym during athletics and transition to New Middle School gym after school. Practice will be till 4:15 and pick up is at 4:30.
Friday the girls will work out in Old Middle School gym during athletics, no afterschool practice.
Week of 10-29 to 11-2
Monday and Tuesday –HS gym Practice till 4:15 pick up at 4:30
Wednesday and Thursday – OMS Practice during athletic period till 4:15 pick up at 4:30
Friday no practice! Have fun at Homecoming!!
The first game will be Nov. 8 at Tatum, Nov. 15 at White Oak, Nov. 26 at Jefferson, Dec. 1 White Oak Tourn, Dec. 8 All Saints Tourn., Dec. 10 at White Oak.
This is all I know for now. Coach Billy Brown will be your coach however, he is still in football. Until football is over the girls will be working with Coach Hutchins-Boyett. If you have questions or concerns please contact her at [email protected]
I will be there cheering the girls on! It was a great volleball season and I look forward to watching them during basketball!
Thank you parents for all your support during the volleyball season!